
I am a little behind on my Dubliners blog, but it’s still worth posting about. I really liked reading the short stories within Dubliners. I think I can find myself getting bored of the same story sometimes, especially when there is nothing new happening so reading stories that were captivating and quick make it easy and enjoyable. I especially enjoyed "A Mother". I think Joyce did a nice job of highlighting the issue of the social injustices women faced during that time. He did it in a way that was subtle enough, but also out in the open that as readers we could understand that was a point he was trying to get across. I liked the storyline of a mother and her daughter trying to get in the show business and seeing what they had to face because as a woman it is something I could relate to. Having a mother wanting what’s best for me and pushing me along the way and ultimately standing up for what's right if things weren't as they were meant to be. Overall, this was a nicely written short story that made me think twice and really look deeper into.


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